Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Allah-badia: Profiling at American Airports

Let me not write about any scientific pursuits today. I was reminiscing my recent visit to the Big Apple (NY) for the Annual NY Art Expo. As with every visit after 9/11, the immigration at all US airports waits for me with arms wide open. The moment I present my passport-their screens come alive with highlighted color profiling in part of my sur-name "Allah". This to a specialist who has visited the USA over 15 times and trained in Chicago & has been presenting scientific material at their annual meetings for over a decade. Next is a ten minute mindless & pointless Question-Answer session (Mind you I visit Israel annually & their interrogation at their airports and all airports where you board a flight to Tel Aviv is long and sustained but intelligent & thorough!) followed by an SOS body search in a separate area at times after my rights are announced to me.
I wonder, that being a non-Muslim I get the whole strip-show- search at all airports in the USA, what about the Muslims? I fully endorse & agree that the US of A need to be extra vigilant about their internal security matters, more so with repeated fanatic attacks like the Glasgow bombings, but they need to learn a lot from their Israeli brethren. Not a fly can get through their airports. My initial visits to Israel had sustained interrogation lasting for upto 20 minutes, but now they have me on their security systems & I pass through in 60 seconds! The Americans need a better database so that genuine visitors to their wonderful country don't get harassed & dread passing through their airports.
A friend e-mailed me this hilarious take on Muslim Humor in the USA through the eyes of a Middle-Eastern character called Omid. You must watch this video with your speakers wide open & look out for the fantastic Persian Humor in the popular American television series Whoopi!


If any of you have some more videos on similar humor, please blog on the links!