Thursday, February 18, 2010


Another pregnant man is preparing to give birth this month!

Scott Moore is due to give birth to a boy in late February, with husband Thomas by his side.

The couple were both born girls and have undergone surgery to transform their sex. Scott, 30, who is legally married to Thomas because he still has a female birth certificate, says he is eagerly looking forward to giving birth. They have decided to call the child ‘Miles’.

‘We know some people will criticize us but we are blissfully happy and not ashamed,’ Scott said.

The couple, from California, already have two children – Gregg, 12, and Logan, 10 – who Thomas had with a previous female partner.

Scott, who started out in life as a girl named Jessica, first realized he wanted to be a man when he hit puberty aged 11.

‘When I told my family they thought I was crazy but they gradually realized I was serious and allowed me to start taking male hormones when I was 16 years old,’ he said.

His parents paid for Scott to have his 36DDD chest removed. However, he could not afford the gender surgery, so still has female organs. Thomas, who used to be called Laura, had a hysterectomy and gender reassignment surgery last year. They met in 2005 at a support group meeting for trans gender men but lost touch – but saw each other again in 2007.

‘We knew we had to be together,’ Scott said. ‘Two months later I gave up my job to live with Thomas and the boys. ‘Now they call me “dad two”.’The couple, who live in a four-bedroom house, decided in December 2008 to try for a baby. Scott was inseminated with the sperm of a male friend and fell pregnant in June 2009.

‘We were so happy we did what all gay men do when they get excited – we went shopping,’ Thomas said.

The couple have dismissed concerns that Miles might be teased at school, saying they are confident they can deal with it.

‘We’ve been through it already,’ Thomas said. ‘My son Logan was bullied but now he just says to teasers: “You may have a problem with my two dads but I don’t so you’re not hurting me”.’

Scott plans to have a natural birth at their local hospital. Their doctor and obstetrician have told the medics at the local hospital.

‘We didn’t want everyone to be shocked when a man turns up to give birth,’ Scott said.‘We found it very difficult to get a doctor and midwife at first. It was hard when people didn’t want to treat me… No pregnant person should be denied health care just because they are a man.’ But he added: ‘I’m looking forward to giving birth now. With Thomas at my side everything will be just fine.’

Thomas said: ‘We want to show the world that trans-families can be healthy, loving and nurturing.’

Are we the only ones who have trouble understanding why a woman who wants to be a man seems crazy when they decide (using the female organs they supposedly didn’t want in the first place) to do the most womanly thing possible???