Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sized To Fit Condoms Now!

Fact: The US FDA doesn't allow very large or very small condoms. Magnum XLs are only sightly bigger than normal. In Europe, however, they are soon going to get them in 70 different sizes. Are you a J33 or a G22?

Believe it or not, using a condom that is not suited for your penis increases the possibilities of breakage and slippage, which in turn increases the possibility of sexually transmitted infections, or unwanted pregnancies. Even while they know this—as have been discovered in various studies—the US FDA doesn't allow for condoms that are longer, shorter, thinner, or thicker than the average.

In Europe, however, men will be able to print out this measuring tool, and order exactly the size they need. Hopefully, someone will bring these TheyFit condoms to the US & the rest of the world. For now, however, all you can do is print and play.