Wednesday, June 25, 2008

AFC predicts ovarian response in egg donors

Antral follicle count (AFC) is a noninvasive and simple tool that can predict ovarian response among women who donate their eggs, a study indicates. In an effort to find a prognostic predictor that can improve the selection process of oocyte donors with normal baseline endocrine determinations, Spanish researchers assessed the value of AFC in predicting ovarian response and IVF outcome.

AFC was determined on the first day of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in 1,074 donors, after pituitary down-regulation had been confirmed. Donors with an AFC of less than 10 had lower estradiol levels and fewer mature retrieved oocytes than others. These donors also had significantly higher cancellation and no-donation rates; almost 50 percent of cycles were cancelled in this group, with poor or insufficient response the cause in 82 percent of cases.

However, there were no differences between donors regarding embryo development parameters and IVF outcomes in 975 oocyte recipient cycles.

Marco Antonio Barreto Melo and colleagues conclude: "This study suggests that the AFC is a good predictor of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in oocyte donors but that it cannot predict oocyte/embryo quality or, consequently, IVF outcome."