Monday, April 9, 2012

A Ferring Pharma invited Foreign Speaker Maligning An Indian Doctor at The End Of His Talk!

I am using this platform so that my Message goes to the Fertility Professionals across the globe

. This is with reference to a Conference we are organizing in September 2012 - The World Congress on Ovulation induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols (WOOSP2012). About a month ago, I received a call from Dr Ashok Alate, the Managing director of Ferring India saying he had received a letter from Mr Marco Filicori saying Dr Allahbadia had "copied" his Conference and that he was very upset and that such a conference cannot be held in India. I explained to Dr Alate that there is no copyright or patent on Conferences. Mr Filicori's conferences are on Ovulation Induction and our Indian meeting is on Ovulation Induction & Ovarian Stimulation Protocols. I further explained that if there is any legal disposition, Mr Filicori could write to me directly & I will respond. I am organizing a meeting with 50 International Faculty so that this important topic can be discussed threadbare in India for an Indian audience. Last night, as part of Ferring India's roadshow, Mr Filicori delivered a lecture at Hyderabad and at the end of his lecture launched a personal attack on me maligning me for having 'copied" his Meeting and requested the audience to boycott WOOSP2012! And today I learnt that this well rehearsed abusive diatribe was repeated at their Bangalore meeting as well. I am shocked and appalled that the Multinational pharma company allowed a speaker to use an academic platform to malign and abuse an Indian doctor in front of an Indian audience. I have written to Ferring India asking them to reign in their abusive "guest" and not allow personal animosities on their academic platforms. This could happen to any of us. I will write to the Italian Fertility Society & ESHRE & Ferring International to ensure that this man is censured. I will write to Fertility Associations the world over describing what has happened in India. I had a twinge of sadness when I realized not one doctor in the audience at Hyderabad or Bangalore stood up for me and stopped Mr Filicori when he raved and ranted about me being unethical. I need support from my own colleagues In India if they think I'm right for standing up for my own pride & for India. I have approached both our National organizations FOGSI with a membership of 25,000+ members & ISAR with a Membership base of 2000+ to support me and write strongly to Ferring India.