Thursday, May 27, 2010

IcePics iPhone App helps you catch perverts!

The IcePics iPhone app automatically sends photos and current coordinates to preselected individuals. This is supposed to keep you safe and alert friends if someone creepy approaches you in a dark alley, but there's a more amusing use: Party photography.

I mean, how often did you catch someone in the middle of a stupid activity only to have him snatch away your phone before you had a chance to send the picture to someone?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Multitouch Wall

Multi-Touch gives a great deal of ease as freedom over a 3D objects. The key is to make sure it can be used for more than just data visualization. There has to be a very adaptive and scalable user-interface system setup to provide that control in an intuitive and easy to use way.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sharks can become invisible!

As if they weren't scary enough, scientists have discovered that sharks can become invisible to prey/you using an optical trick. Not scared yet? Well, one of the invisible shark species is nicknamed the phantom hunter of the fjords. Run. Now.

The real name of the phantom hunter is Etmopterus spinax or velvet belly lantern shark. It lives in the deep waters of the northeastern Atlantic Ocean. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, the shark becomes invisible by regulating the photophores underneath its body. This makes their belly glow matching the color of the Sun's light above them. As a result, prey or predators looking up from lower depths are not able to see them.

Fortunately, not all sharks can become invisible: Only ten percent of the sharks can use this trick. And even better news: No flying invisible sharks with laser weapons have been discovered yet:)

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gulf Disaster Video That BP Doesn't Want You To See

Those damn BP liars are making things even worse trying to fix the catastrophe they caused. Their efforts are turning the massive oil flood into giant underwater clouds made of corrosive particles. Here's the underwater video to prove it.

The chemical dispersants that BP is using—trying to fix the gigantic mess caused by their reckless actions—are turning the thick black tide into titanic clouds floating underneath the surface. The clouds are formed by particles made of oil combined with the dispersants. The resulting chemical monster can burn the skin of any human or animal that gets in contact with it.

The commander of the International Space Station said that the oil flood looked "very scary" from space. After diving into one of these clouds, Philippe Cousteau—grandson of the legendary Jacques-Yves Cousteau—gets a lot closer to reality: "This is a nightmare... a nightmare."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

iPoop:The bathroom accessory of my dreams!

Inspired by a Photoshop contest, a clever young man came up with a simple yet brilliant multifunction bathroom accessory for laptops and tablets: The iPoop. I just really hope the concept's name doesn't get changed if anyone ever manufactures it.

Peter, the creator of this design, describes iPoop as a "bathroom wastebasket that doubles as a laptop/tablet stand" and is currently attempting to rally interest and catch the eye of a manufacturer using a Facebook group!