Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gay flamingos are both family men

Carlos and Fernando, male flamingos at the Slimbridge wildfowl reserve in Gloucestershire, are inseparable.

They have been together for more than five years and have even reared foster chicks.

Twice a year they perform the elaborate courtship dance usual to males and females, before building a nest.

Homosexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom but few people know about it, according to zoologists. Keepers at Slimbridge said it was unique among their flamingos.

Nigel Jarrett, the reserve’s aviculture manager, said: “They seem very happy. They will probably stay together for the rest of their lives.

“They are not picked on by the other birds. If anything they are afforded more respect because two males together can be a pretty fearsome prospect for the other flamingos.”

The pair have reared three generations of adopted flamingos, by making off with the freshly laid eggs of their heterosexual neighbors.

Mr Jarrett said: “They have been known to fight the heterosexual birds and steal their eggs. There is usually a ‘handbags-at-10 yards’ moment where they scrap with the couple before stealing the egg.

“They are very good parents though and behave just as the heterosexual birds do when rearing their young.”

The pair are Greater Flamingos, native to the Mediterranean and Africa, and live on algae and small fish.

As well as male flamingos that mate, there are male ostriches that only court their own gender. Film-makers recently caught female Japanese macaque monkeys engaged in intimate acts.

Male penguins have been known to pair up and engage in sexual activity, while ignoring potential female mates.

Adrian Walls, a bird keeper at London Zoo, said: “Homosexual behaviour is often seen amongst birds in captivity, but it is not often long-lived. If they go a long time without chicks, they often search out a different sex partner.”

Involuntary Muscular Contractions

A professor at the University of Sydney ,,,was giving a lecture on 'Involuntary Muscular Contractions' to his first year medical students.

Realizing this was not the most riveting subject, the professor decided to lighten the mood slightly. He pointed to a young woman in the front row and said,

'Do you know what your ass hole is doing while you're having an orgasm?'

She replied:

'Probably drinking beer with his mates.'

It took 20 minutes to restore order in the classroom.........

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The MOGS Indo-Israeli Workshop & Conference on Fetal Diagnosis & Intervention

Shalom & Namaskaar! The MOGS Indo-Israeli Year is well on its way with the second clinical meeting creating waves in the Ob-Gyn community in India. We had a star-studded faculty from both India & Israel. Prof Israel Shapiro is the President of the Israel Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. He is the Coordinator of the Scientific Meetings of the Society. He is also the Chairman of the Academic School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. He is attached to the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Bnai-Zion Medical Center, Haifa. He has vast experience in Industrial Counseling and is currently the Consultant of General Electric (GE Healthcare) in developing ultrasound equipment.In fact, he developed the first transvaginal probe prototype with Elscint in Israel eons ago!Prof Shlomo Lipitz was awarded his MD degree in 1984 from The Hebrew University, Jerusalem and thereafter completed a Clinical Fellowship at The Fetal Medicine Unit, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University College Hospital, London. He is now the Director of The Fetal Medicine Unit at The Sheba Medical Center, Israel. His areas of interest are Amniocentesis, Chorion Villus and Fetal Blood Sampling, Intrauterine Fetal Blood Transfusions, Shunts, Multifetal Pregnancy Reductions, Laser Therapy in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome and Bipolar Coagulation in Monochorionic Twins.Prof Reuven Achiron is the Director of the Ultrasound Unit at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer. He has been invited to the World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology thirteen times. He is a Member of the International Ultrasound Society and has been on the Editorial Board of the journal Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. He has published six monographs and over 130 original articles on Obstetric Ultrasound & Fetal Diagnosis.Dr Chander Lulla is one of the pioneers of ultrasound in India and is the most-sought after interventional sonologist in this part of the world. He is affiliated to the Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity General Hospital as well as to the Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai. The formidable four were all set to showcase their skills to an eager audience sitting in two different auditoriums; the PG students in the Main Lecture Theatre at KEM hospital & the practicing gynecologists at the ITC Grand Central which is a kilometer away.

The Indo-Israeli workshop on fetal diagnosis and intervention organized by the Mumbai Obstetric and Gynecological Society and Seth G.S. Medical College, KEM hospital (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology) was held on 6th June 2009 in the department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, KEM hospital. The workshop equipment was provided by Wipro GE Healthcare. Prof Reuven Achiron , Prof Shlomo Lipitz and Dr. C.P. Lulla demonstrated live 2-D and 3-D fetal ultrasound all through the day from 9am to 5pm with a short Lunch break! Live scanning of eleven cases was performed with detailed interaction with the audience. Normal first, second and third trimester ultrasounds, malformation scans, 3-D ultrasound and an interventional procedure of placental biopsy as a prenatal diagnostic technique in a case of thalassemia were demonstrated. Various congenital malformations including cranial, cardiac, pulmonary, renal, skeletal and gastrointestinal were demonstrated. The correct methodology for anomaly detection and the management protocols were discussed. The postgraduate students and the delegates at ITC Grand Central found the workshop very informative and useful for clinical practice.
The Conference on Fetal Diagnosis and Intervention was held the next day -the 7th June 2009, Sunday at the ITC Grand Central, Parel, Mumbai. There were 145 registrations for this event. The opening session was on free communications. Dr Shailesh Kore was awarded the prize for the best paper. His subject was prediction of preeclampsia by placental laterality. This was followed by a session on the journey of a fetus from the womb to the pediatric operation theatre. It was a collaborative effort by Dr Nitin Chaubal and Dr Sanjay Oak.The Israeli Faculty were thoroughly impressed with this presentation & congratulated both the speakers (see video). Prior to the Key-note addresses, we played the National Anthems of both countries. This was a truly emotional moment for our invited guests. The international faculty presented the Keynote Addresses on Applications of current ultrasound in fetal medicine (Professor Reuven Achiron) and Diagnosis and treatment of complications of monochorionic twins (Professor Shlomo Lipitz).

The post lunch session was a visual treat with twelve videos from invited faculty.Prof. Shapiro's video was the run away winner of this Video film session (see video). This was followed by invited lectures by Dr C P Lulla, Dr Aniruddha Badade and Dr Sameer Dikshit.

The Dr M Y Raval Oration was delivered by Professor Israel Shapiro on the subject of “Three Dimensional Ultrasound: Gimmick or Breakthrough”. This 100 minute oration was founded on years of experience, data, images and personal insights. It was laced with the right dose of humor and received a standing ovation from the audience (see video).

The chairpersons ensured that the sessions were interactive and kept the program running on schedule. The venue was well-appointed and hospitable. Once again, on behalf of MOGS we would like to express our thanks to the superlative Banqueting team at the ITC Grand Central. I would also like to mention that the success of this meeting was shaped in a large way with the untiring efforts of the hands-on conveners Dr Sulbha Arora & Dr Parikshit Tank. The MOGS office staff ensured that the Registration Desk & other admin formalities purred on smoothly like a BMW engine! Thank you delegates - We had delegates from Arunachal, Bihar, Haryana, Gujarat, Maharashtra & Sri Lanka too! I am still receiving positive feedback on this meeting from doctors who were not present , but have heard about this meeting from registered delegates. This is really heartening & we look forward to the Late Dr Avabai Wadia Workshop & Conference on Contraception in September 2009. Before I pen off, I would like to express my gratitude to the supporters of MOGS who were present in the exhibition hall on both days. Thank you Danny for making our Indo-Israeli dream a reality. Lakhaim!