Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Aquafit Gymnasium-Spa Hybrid is Watery, Ironic

Apparently, sitting at your chair all day whilst blogging about gadgets is not supposed to be so good for your health. That's where Dimension One Spas' Aquafit 19 Dual Temp comes in. The $40,000 gymnasium/spa allows users to have a full, underwater cardiovascular workout by using the included rower, tricep pull down and simulated jogger or swimming facilities.

The exercise area maintains the water temperature at levels that are ideal for the body's thermoregulation during an intensive workout, whilst the spa area heats up to get things steamy and soothing. Additionally, the spa area is positioned so close to the gymnasium portion of the tub, you won't have to expend any more calories than is necessary to get there, which is kind of ironic for a gym. So ironic, it's giving us muscle ache just thinking about it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Where r u?Long time no artical?

Anonymous said...

Your website states that Rotunda is LGBTIA friendly.
One word: Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Where r u?I am addicted to ur blog and miss it .