Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Tiger Temple

The Tiger Temple or Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua is a Theravada Buddhist temple in Thailand and has been a sanctuary for many endangered animals including several tigers that walk around freely once a day and can be petted by tourists. The temple received several tiger cubs where the mothers had been killed by poachers. As of 2007, over 21 cubs have been born at the temple and the total number of tigers is about 12 adult tigers and 4 cubs. The tigers are tamed by being fed with cooked meat to avoid giving them a taste for blood. The staff keep the tigers under control and the abbot will intervene if the tiger gets agitated. They are treated as family members in the temple and visitors are asked to give a donation if they want to take photos with the tigers.


Claire said...

Dear drallah,

With regards to the Tiger Temple, you may be interested to hear that, after carrying out undercover research in the temple and additional investigation, British wildlife charity, Care for the Wild International (CWI) has now released its upsetting report.

There are significant welfare issues, as well as false claims of conservation, ILLEGAL TRADING and human safety concerns.

Please visit the following link to read it: http://www.careforthewild.com/news.asp?detail=true&I_ID=578§ion=Latest+News

Not only is the temple housing the animals in poor confined conditions (for 20-21 hours per day to be precise) and harassing them through beatings and spraying of urine into their faces but also they have been involved in illegal trading of their older tigers to a tiger farm in Laos.

We are contacting people on the internet to request that they cease promoting Tiger Temple as a place that tourists should visit on their holidays. We are also contacting people who have written general blogs about the Temple. People view these blogs and want to go visit the tigers for themselves, however this sadly meant that the tigers will continue to be systematically abused and traded there. We are also contacting tour operators and the like.

Please feel free to email me with your comments or questions on this matter.

Best wishes

Care for the Wild International (CWI)

Claire said...

Dear Drallah,

With regards to the Tiger Temple, you may be interested to hear that, after carrying out undercover research in the temple and additional investigation, British wildlife charity, Care for the Wild International (CWI) has now released its upsetting report.

There are significant welfare issues, as well as false claims of conservation, ILLEGAL TRADING and human safety concerns.

Please visit the following link to read it: http://www.careforthewild.com/news.asp?detail=true&I_ID=578§ion=Latest+News

Not only is the temple housing the animals in poor confined conditions (for 20-21 hours per day to be precise) and harassing them through beatings and spraying of urine into their faces but also they have been involved in illegal trading of their older tigers to a tiger farm in Laos.

We are contacting people on the internet to request that they cease promoting Tiger Temple as a place that tourists should visit on their holidays. We are also contacting people who have written general blogs about the Temple. People view these blogs and want to go visit the tigers for themselves, however this sadly meant that the tigers will continue to be systematically abused and traded there. We are also contacting tour operators and the like.

Please feel free to email me with your comments or questions on this matter.

Best wishes

Care for the Wild International (CWI)