Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Majority of women support single woman using IVF treatment to conceive, survey finds

Women feel strongly about their ability to conceive.

A recent survey of American women aged 25-45 that gauged attitudes toward In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) found that 83% of these women support a single woman using IVF to conceive if she is emotionally and financially able to care for the child.

The survey of 1,936 American women was conducted in June 2010 by Barbados Fertility Centre and Ipsos Reid. Barbados Fertility Centre is a destination for a growing number of American women and couples who want to undergo fertility treatment for half the cost of what they would pay in the US without compromising success rates.

"We have seen a sharp increase in patients and inquiries from all backgrounds in the United States, including heterosexual and gay single women and couples, so we wanted to better understand how American women view IVF," said Dr. Juliet Skinner, Medical Director of Barbados Fertility Centre, located in Barbados, in the Southern Caribbean. "Not only did we find overwhelming support for IVF for single women, but we learned that most women considering IVF are willing to travel to receive it if there is a cost-effective alternative that provides exceptional care."

Key Survey Findings: - Over one quarter of American women aged 25-45 (28%) who are planning to have a child are concerned about their ability to conceive. - Most surveyed (57%) were unwilling to travel outside of the US for any kind of medical procedure. However, fully 74% of women aged 25-45 who would consider IVF would be willing to travel outside of the US for the procedure if there was a significantly lower cost and higher pregnancy success rate. - 57% of women who plan to have a child, or are currently unsure, are likely to consider IVF.

Added Dr. Skinner, "the ability to have a child, whether in a couple or alone, is something women feel very strongly about and want to have as many options as possible available to them. This includes freezing their eggs, IVF treatment and travelling for more affordable, effective treatments."

The high cost of IVF treatment in the US, particularly in California and New York where costs are the highest, has created greater demand among American patients for services at Barbados Fertility Centre. The average cost of IVF in the US is $14,000 USD for one treatment cycle alone. In contrast, Americans travelling to Barbados pay an average of $5,750 USD, which is less than half the cost of receiving treatment at home. Even with the travel and medication costs factored in, the entire cost of the procedure is still significantly lower due to the rising costs of healthcare services in the US.

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