Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Saturday, May 1, 2010

How to read Bar Codes ... Interesting!

With all the food and pet products now coming from China , it is best to make sure you read labels at the grocery store and especially Walmart when buying food products. Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the distributor is located. It is important to read the bar code to track it's origin.

The whole world is afraid of China-made "black hearted goods".

Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ?

If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA .

471 is Made in Taiwan .

This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves.

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN CHINA ", so they don't show from which country it is made.

However, you may now refer to the Barcode, remember if the first 3 digits are:

690-692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA
30 - 37 ... FRANCE
40 - 44 ... GERMANY
47 ... Taiwan
49 ... JAPAN
50 ... UK

BUY USA & CANADIAN MADE by watching for "0" at the beginning of the number

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bullet Train... Truly!

A new Chinese train innovation, i.e. how to get on and off the bullet train without stopping. It's a very cool concept. Read the note first, then watch the attached animated video clip.

No time is wasted. The bullet train is moving all the time. If there are 30 stations between Beijing and Guangzhou, just stopping and accelerating at each station wastes energy and time. A mere 5 minute stop per station (elderly passengers cannot be hurried) results in a total loss of 5 min x 30 stations or 2.5 hours of train journey time.

The Chinese are innovative enough to come up with a non-stopping train concept. Now when the train arrives at a station, it will not stop at all. The passengers at a station will embark onto to a connector cabin way before the train arrives at the station. When the train approaches, it does not stop at all. It just slows down a little to couple with the connector cabin which will move with the train on its roof.

While the train is far away from the station, those passengers will board the train from the connector cabin mounted on the train's roof. After fully unloading its passengers, the connector cabin will move to the back of the train so that the next batch of outgoing passengers who want to alight at the next station will board the connector cabin at the rear of the train roof.

When the train arrives at the next station, it simply disengages with the connector cabin and leaves it behind at the station. The outgoing passengers can leisurely disembark at the station while the train had already left. At the same time, the train picks up the incoming embarking passengers on another connector cabin in the front of the train's roof. So the train will always drop one connector cabin at the rear of its roof and pick up a new connector cabin in the front part of the train's roof at each station.

Now, I say, that's pretty intelligent!