This looks like an android receiving an energy blast and new personality protocols, but it's actually a woman being bombarded with high-energy light-emitting diodes, the latest skin treatment. (And her personality is getting reprogrammed, too.)
The picture was taken at Tokyo's Beautyworld Japan Expo, and it shows a woman undergoing the ReGen Light Treatment system, made by U.K.-based Energist. Says Energist:
This versatile ReGen™ system is a breakthrough in LED technology, delivering a constant stream of rejuvenating light which is proven to have beneficial bio-stimulation effects on the skin to alleviate the damage caused by acne, ageing, and the sun. Powered by an array of high intensity LED's using red and blue light, ReGen™ has the power and flexibility to initiate new collagen production and speed up skin repair, effectively stimulating cellular mechanisms to regenerate the skin.