Monday, March 15, 2010

Saudi Arabia rejects Pakistani diplomat because of his name

Owing to an unfortunate matter of translation, Pakistani diplomat Akbar Zeb will not become the next Pakistani ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Mr Zeb's credentials are impressive: he is the former envoy to the United States, India, South Africa and Canada. But despite his impressive career, his name proved to be an immovable hurdle.

When translated into Arabic, it means "Large penis".

In a region that stresses modesty in public, this could not stand.

Akbar is a customary Muslim name meaning "great", and while Zeb is not an uncommon Pakistani name, in Arabic it is a slang reference to the penis and never used in polite conversation.

Obviously the diplomat's Arab hosts felt that references to "His Excellency the Big Dick" would not go over well.

A Saudi cultural critic said, "The media wouldn't dare to publish a name like this. So every time he would be in the media they would have to face the name issue, and it would make it difficult to work with him.

That would be an embarrassment for Pakistan."
Said an analyst, "You cannot just pronounce that name. It's too awkward.
How would he be announced at events? How would he be written about?"

According to the Arab Times, this is the third instance of an Arabic-speaking country refusing Mr. Zeb's ambassadorship David Kenner of Foreign Policy magazine wrote that the issue was a source of embarrassment for Pakistan. "One can only assume that submitting Zeb's name to Arabic-speaking countries is some unique form of punishment designed by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry," he wrote, "Or the result of a particularly egregious cock- up."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ten Times in History, when using the 'F' word was appropriate!

10th "Scattered showers, my ass!"-
Noah 4314 BC

9th "How the f.... did you work that out?"
Pythagorus 126BC

8th " You want WHAT on the ceiling?"
Michelango 1566

7th " Where did all those Indians come from?"
Custer 1877

6th "It does so look like her!"
Picasso 1926

5th "Where the hell are we?"
Arnelia Eahart 1937

4th "Any idiot could understand that"
Einstein 1938

3rd "What the f... was that?"
Mayor of Hiroshima 1945

2nd "I need the parade like a hole in the head!"
JFK 1963

And....drum roll

The number 1 most appropriate time for using the "F" word

"Aw c,mon. Who the f.... is going to find out?"
Tiger Woods 2009

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sleep box - how about sleeping in a box when you are just passing by a large city?

Dubai is installing 70 sleep-boxes at its new airport terminal.......

-Size: 2 m x 1,40m x 2,30m to sleep in comfort and security.
-Cheap sleep in case of emergency for anyone rich or poor!!
-No time wasted looking for a hotel
-Designed to be installed at train stations and airports, and central public places or cities where accommodation is fully booked.
-In tropical climate countries the sleeper box can be installed outdoors in main streets.
-The space includes bed, linen, ventilation system, alarm. LCD TV, WiFi , space for your laptop and re chargeable phone. Under your bed and floor there is a cupboard for your luggage.
-Payment is made at terminals who will give clients an electronic key that can be purchased for 15 minutes or for as many hours as you need.

Must suggest these boxes for Lavasa!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


A scene you will probably never get to see in your lifetime....

This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point.

You also see the sun below the moon. An amazing photo

and not one easily duplicated.