Friday, September 19, 2008

Banta Singh in England

An anglicised sardar from Amritsar was visiting the UK for the first time, and got onto the tube at Knightsbridge.
Sitting across from him, was an upper-crust Englishman in a pinstriped suit, reading the Times.
Wanting to to strike up a conversation, the sardar leaned over and asked the Englishman, "Excuse me, sar, what is your name?"
Not very happy at this development, but not wanting to be rude, the Englishman said, "John Fanshawe. And what is your name, sir?"
The sardar replied, "Banta Singh."
The Englishman smiled politely and went back to his paper.
"And where are you from, Mr Fanshawe?" Banta Singh continued.
The Englishman looked up from his paper, "From Sussex , actually," he replied, "And what about you, Mr Singh?"
Wanting to show how anglicised he was, the sardar replied, "From Amritshire".
"Amritshire?" said the Englishman, puzzled, "You have me there, sir. You see, I've heard of Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Worcestershire, but I've never heard of Amritshire."
"Yes," said Banta Singh gravely, "That is where I am from."
"Could you tell me where exactly it is? What is the latitude and the longitude?"
It was now Banta Singh's turn to be puzzled.
"I don't know sir," he replied, "You see, in Amritshire we only have Makitude and Bhenkitude."

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